Friday, September 10, 2010

Saving Energy And Money

There are alot of ways we can all save electricity and money, and save a little piece of our planet while doing so.

1 Replace ALL bulbs in your home with CFL bulbs (the spiral fluorescent bulbs) This can save you hundreds of dollars a year as well as reducing your energy used from the power company, which makes you a little more earth friendly!

2 Use less air condition when possible, This can be achieved by turning your a/c off when your not home (its alot easier to cool a home in 30 minutes than to let the air run for 8 hours while your at work)

3 Sleep in the dark and quiet! Just by turning the tv and fan off at night you can save over 100.00 a year!!!!

4 Turn off outside lighting after 1 am, instead of allowing the lights to run for eight or more hours a night.

5 Keep the refrigerator door closed, and adjust the thermostat to keep it cold, but not overly cold, try a med-low setting

6 Powered down computers when not in use! This is huge, computers suck alot of juice, and therefore create alot of heat, causing your central air to run more often, costing you money all the way around.

7 Try using natural lighting when possible through the day, I recommend opening the blinds or curtains whenever you need light, and closing them when you don't.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alternative Energy Resources

The use of alternative energy resources is certainly an issue that affects every single one of us. After all, the consequences if we do not learn or begin to pay attention to it are certainly dire and are in our near future. Here’s a fact. Climate change is a real thing and if you aren’t inclined to believe it, you certainly are blind to the various changes in weather that have been happening all over the world. Now, there is a way for us to lessen its effects and hopefully restore the earth’s greenness. Educating people about alternative energies that they would be able to use with ease is a great way to start this campaign. After all, whilst the technologies are readily available if there are people who are unaware of what they are for and why they should use then it wont be very effective.

Educating people about alternative energies which they can use at home is certainly a must. After all, an average household can consume twice its actual need in terms of power. There is a need to inform people that the current resources aren’t going to be around forever and that using them has, in fact, contributed to the current state of our environment. They should be informed of the alternatives available such as solar energy which they can easily build and install in their homes.

Educating people about alternative energies which they can use for their vehicles is another important matter. As you all know, gas emissions are among the major causes for pollution and the destruction of our environment. They must be made aware of the technology that’s currently available. Vehicles that are powered by water and electricity are available and needless to say, if you give people a reason to, they would certainly be very open to giving these technologies a try.
Info Source : Alternative Energy Resources